Today I bring to you the vows we want to make to our Father. To these scriptures let us take our Christian vows and say "I do" to each. Marry yourself to the scripture.
Do you believe?
Matt Chap 7: 7-8
Deut 10: 30-31
Deut 28: 11-13
Psalm 126:5-6
Isaiah 54:17
16: 17-18
Cor 5:17
Psalm 112:1-9
Romans 8:31-39

was grumbling from the kids. The coach walked in and one kid who was unlucky enough to have his back to the coach kept up the complaining, and didn't see Adam giving him the sshhing sign as a warning signal. The coach heard the grumblings. He gathered the team and said "Who of you has played basketball for a college team or NBA team?" Hey coach they replied," we are only in the 8th grade." Who of you has been to a championship? All heads shaking "no." Exactly! All the while this coach knew what hard work needed to be done to prepare for the season ahead and reap the benefits.
That year (their first year) they had a record of 33 and 3. While the other kids were huffing and puffing in the 4th quarter, these kids were running circles around them. The coach knew it was better to get them in shape than to run plays.
The lesson in scripture -
Luke 1:5-10 "We didn't understand where he was taking us." In my words, if he is the the leader you have put your faith in, he knows what he is doing, just shut up and listen.
This brings us to the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, 2 people who were ministers, dedicated to the Lord, served the Lord, and observed all of his commandments. They had always wanted children and prayed to the Lord to bring them children. Now old and knowing there would be no children, were startled by the angel, Gabriel. Gabriel came to deliver the good news that your prayers to have a son are answered and your son will be called John and he will bring revival.. Zechariah answered, "We are old, are you sure you have the right message for us?" Gabriel who was happy to bring such news to Zachariah, then turned angry that he was questioned. "I stand beside the throne of God, how can your words not have faith. For that, I am going to shut you up until the baby is born, less you destroy the promises of God."
We lose faith when our prayers don't happen when you want or think they will. We lose faith that the Lord is guiding us and lose trust in God that things will come through in their proper time. As we know from the Bible, Zechariah and Elizabeth's son is John the Baptist. He was the "fullback" who cleared the path, the way for Jesus. If he came 40 years earlier when Zechariah and Elizabeth were praying for children, he would have missed his purpose. The Lord brings everything at the proper time. We must remember, everything we do is not for ourselves, it is to give glory to God. If this glorified man, Zechariah had a weak moment of non belief, we must know it is ok for us to also have a weak moment. Gabriel is hard on Zechariah because he knows the harm of what words of unbelief does. Words of disbelief reflect a bad attitude, attitude reflects the heart and we act on our hearts.
Dealing with the "proper" time:
1. If you are going to do it in proper time, don't try to make it happen. Let go of making it happen. This doesn't mean to sit and a chair and wait. We must always work hard and prepare for what the Lord has planned for us.
2. Let go of trying to figure out how it is going to happen. Pray for guidance and listen to the Lord's words and plan.
3. Remain faithful to what develops Godly character. Develop character first. Anointing gets you there - character keeps you there.
4. Sshhhh- keep your mouth out of it. Speak only positives and faithful words about the Lord and all of his children
To this, I close by saying, we don't sit back and wait to hear the Lord's word, we work hard and prepare for the time, the PROPER time for things to happen. God will move us towards the service he wants us to provide to his "children" and he will time it perfectly. While waiting for his proper time, we should work hard, stay faithful, and keep pressing in so when he calls us, we do his work in top shape, well prepared and to the best of our ability.