You are the child of my vows to God- vows to God for children to be trained, lead for the God's reason/purpose. I dedicate this child to you God, it is an expression of God's purpose to come. The trainor(the mother ) is chosen by God. It would be easier if the child came with a message of purpose answering the question, "What is this child suppose to accomplish? What is the plan?" There is a plan, his divine plan. Satan wants to diminish the role of the mother. Mothers are a crucial part of his plan - God has chosen mothers and this is why " Family" has been diminished by Satan. God has given mothers an awesome responsibility to train, discipline, care, and protect children for the purposes of God.
Honor mother hood today. Thank the women who have have loved, mentored, and mothered you. Honor the daughter because she will grow up to be a mother and carry out God's purpose. Daughters - God will bless you with a man of God beside you and you will have a powerful house.
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